Следует исключить майонез из новогодних блюд, поскольку он является довольно тяжелым для печени и пищеварения продуктом. Таким мнением с «Газетой.ру» поделилась врач-гастроэнтеролог Татьяна…

**Tips for Eating Healthy Over the Holidays**

**Before the Holidays:**

* **Plan Ahead:** Create a meal plan and grocery list to avoid unhealthy temptations. Focus on incorporating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.

**During the Holidays:**

* **Mindful Eating:** Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues.
* **Plate Smart:** Portion meals to avoid excessive calorie intake.
* **Hydrate Well:** Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and reduce cravings.
* **Choose Healthy Options:** Opt for grilled or baked dishes, salads, and fresh fruit.
* **Limit Alcohol Consumption:** Alcohol is high in calories and can impair judgment.

**After the Holidays:**

* **Return to a Regular Eating Plan:** Gradually transition back to usual eating habits.
* **Don’t Feel Guilty:** The holidays are a time for moderation.
* **Seek Professional Help if Needed:** Consult a dietitian or therapist for personalized guidance.

**Additional Tips:**

* **Bring Healthy Dishes to Share:** Contribute nutritious options to holiday gatherings.
* **Use Smaller Plates and Utensils:** Reduce the likelihood of overindulging.
* **Take Breaks:** Step away from the food table to register fullness.
* **Exercise Regularly:** Burn calories and reduce holiday stress.
* **Enjoy the Moment:** Don’t deprive yourself, but make healthy choices when possible.

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